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Artist Biography

A little about Sarah Kruis,
the Canadian-born, Multimedium Artist,
located in Cambridge Ontario.

Thanks for checking out my site!

Hello there,

I’m Sarah!

I use the pursuit of my recreational passions as means of both personal adventure and as an inspiration for the creation of art. Whether I’m inspired by a single tiny blossom discovered while camping in Southern Ontario or inspired by the looming mass of shipwreck as I scuba dive in the beautiful blue waters in Tobermory, I want to capture something to share with you.

I try very hard to pursue art with an open mind and flexible style. I draw and sketch with charcoal, conté, pencil, pastel and ink. I paint with acrylic and watercolour. I also dabble in other art forms, including creating pieces using string, wire and wood.

Let the beautiful art that hangs in your home inspire you to chase your own interests and dreams, explore the world around you, and share what you can with others. If my art work helps you to do just that, then I can consider my goal to have been achieved.

Photograph by VKirkconnell in Washington-Slagbaai National Park, Bonaire, Netherlands

A bit about my journey. . .

A wide variety of subjects and art mediums have captured my interest from long before I can remember. Like most children I started with crayons and a fascination with watching my chosen colours blossom on the page.

As I grew up, and perfected the art of colouring within the lines, my mom and I would paint crafts together using her acrylic paints, the paints which I later took with me when I moved out of the house.

Losing my adolescent self-consciousness at the same time being fortunate to work with a wonderful art teacher while living in Kincardine, I dove happily into sketching with charcoal. Watercolour lessons as a pre-teen, and various drawing and painting lessons in almost every town I’ve lived in have helped me to continue to hone my skills and techniques, although I would still consider myself to be mostly self-taught.

Currently, I most often create art using charcoal or watercolour. Every now and then I make a piece out of wood, with the assistance of my very talented father. And, upon request, I work with fabrics as well.


I happily follow other talented artists on social media, am inspired by the legendary artists of the past, and have had the pleasure of meeting and working alongside many wonderful local artists.

Right now, I am chasing both my artistic and recreational interests in an endeavor to bring them together. I greatly enjoy pulling inspiration for my artwork from my adventures, experience and imagination. Creating art from the world around me allows me to watch and study the world, and from that, gain a better understanding of it. I am so inspired by the world; I only wish to be able to share it with you.


. . .

I am happiest when I am underwater - whether I am exploring a new shipwreck, flying over a riverbed searching for sturgeon, night diving on a tropical reef or pulling trash from our local muddy watering holes. I feel a very real sense of calm and focus when I am underwater. My brain is quiet and I achieve peace.

I am second happiest when I wander far into the wilderness, to hike and canoe the great outdoors, reconnect with all our buried instincts and go back to basics. I love to sleep in the forest, swim in the water, have massive campfires and cook over a beautiful bed of coals. And of course, keeping good company along the way is the key to a very very happy time!


Photograph by K.Satchell in Tobermory, Ontario, Canada