Shadowy Camp Tree (Plein Air 2020 3 of 9)

Shadowy Camp Tree (Plein Air 2020 3 of 9)

from CA$40.00

Plein Air painting out on West Fox Island, Killarney, ON Canada

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En plein air is a French expression meaning “in the open air”, and refers to the act of painting outdoors with the artist's subject in full view.

This is a view from the island, looking South from our camp.

This piece was painted from the middle of our camp with the aid of sticks and pinecones as painting devices. This tree (barely shown as two separate trunks here) is a massive gnarly beast with multiple massive trunks. It was large and gnarly enough that it fully supported FOUR different tie-off points for our two hammocks. What a champ!

June 29, 2020